Step into new clarity and purpose with our Diamond Goal Sessions

Push your creative boundaries
It's a know fact that creativity is stimulated when two or more people are aligned in their optimism and agree a the desired outcome. In Diamond Goal sessions, you set the outcome, we challenge the purpose of that outcome and help you navigate the canvas for optimal creative input.
Organize your thoughts
The profesional, customized canvasses we developed provide a easy-to-read visual representation of your thoughts. Depending on your wish we can go as deep into details as you have time for. The outcome is an actionable report with clear goals.
Communicate a clear strategy
Once the Diamond Goal session is done, and the report has been delivered to you, you can bring in your team or other collaborators to take them through your canvasses and communicate your strategy. Your team can add ideas, suggest changes, but will understand the purpose of the strategy and their role in it.
What is included?
- Actionable outcomes that align with your Superpower
- Identify your Super Power with our Diamond Goal Canvas
- Highlight your Energy Source(s) and prevent getting detached from them
- Redefine your Tribe for optimised network-building
- Design your ideal supportive team for the sustainable pursuit of your Diamond Goal
- Design hard-to-deny propositions to your future clients based on preferred way of working and Super Power
- Bring in your team to share your vision and build a business model canvas together
- Deliverable: A full Diamond Goal Report containing your actionable strategy, desired team and first value propositions.
Enroll now and get a grip on your future.
We've been fortunate enough to work with hundreds of inspired creative and social founders and freelancers from all over the world. Feel free to reach out to us and ask to be put in contact with some of our members and alumni. Here are some more ways for you to get a better sense of what the Cre8tive Revolution offers people like you;
Join online Roundtables
Join a Cre8tive Leadership Seminar
Book your personal Diamond Goal Session
- Diamond Goal Session puts your personal talent through professional strategy tools
- Identify your Super Power with our Diamond Goal Canvas
- Highlight your Energy Source(s) and prevent getting detached from them
- Redefine your Tribe for optimised network-building
- Design your ideal supportive team for the sustainable pursuit of your Diamond Goal
- Design hard-to-deny propositions to your future clients based on preferred way of working and Super Power
- Bring in your team to share your vision and build a business model canvas together
- Deliverable: A full Diamond Goal Report containing your actionable strategy, desired team and first value propositions.
Or 950 for non-profit solopreneur clients (ask for co-investment options) *all prices are ex VAT
Let's start today